Redemptive Compassion® is a 4-week training course for people serving those in need. The foundation is built through seeing the God-given potential and value in every person regardless of their circumstances. Redemptive Compassion® encourages investing in people relationally rather than just meeting their physical needs. To accomplish this, we require those serving to act with wisdom and discernment, and those being served to actively participate in their transformation. Redemptive Compassion® works to empower those serving and in turn those being served. Need will not change until we change how we address need. 

There are six key components to Redemptive Compassion® and Love INC’s approach to helping people:

  • We see everyone’s value
  • We invest relationally in each other
  • We help everyone achieve their God-given potential
  • We require mutual contribution and participation
  • We must respond with discernment and wisdom
  • We must serve in ways that transform us and them

Class Registration

Our fall classes are full and registration is now closed. Please check back for more opportunities to join our classes!