2024 Annual Golf Outing Details

Story of Hope

Samuel’s Story

Three years ago, Samuel called Love INC for help with his electric bill. He had six major surgeries along with infections and complications. Samuel was unable to work for three and a half years and was struggling to keep up with his bills. He had already lived one winter without gas by using electric heaters which escalated his electric bill beyond what he could afford. Samuel’s electricity was in disconnection and he called Love INC for help. Love INC partnered with a local Catholic church to pay down his electric bill so he could be reconnected.

Earlier this month, Samuel made a large donation to Love INC with this note:

“Some time ago my finances were in disarray. You helped me by paying a portion of my electric bill. Now that my finances are back in order, I can afford to give back. I am sure this will help someone else.”

We are grateful to hear from Samuel that he is doing well and in a stronger financial position. More importantly, we are grateful for his generous spirit and this full circle story of hope. We pray for each and every client that the gifts from our donors bridge the gap for them in their hardest time, moving them closer to financial stability and the kind of generosity Samuel has shown. But the ultimate goal is to point Cuyahoga County residents to Christ – and we’re grateful to have Samuel partnering with us in that mission.

Our Purpose

Love In the Name of Christ of Cuyahoga County is a Christian ministry that links partner churches, volunteers, and community partners to bring about transformation in the lives of our neighbors in need. More than a hand-out, We offer a hand-up!

The focus of our Life Skills classes is to provide individuals support, learning opportunities and accountability through mentor relationships that instill dignity, help them see their own value and give them hope.

Love INC is designed as a network of pastors and churches that work together to meet critical needs. United in purpose, resources and volunteers are shared to better serve our community.

“The church must be the hope of the world”

- Virgil Gulker, Founder of Love INC

News & Events


Change a life, provide hope, help a neighbor in need.